Classic Logic

How to setup OpenProject via Vagrant

I had to set up OpenProject locally on my machine for certain tinkering I’ve been doing.

I chose to install OpenProject inside a Vagrant box to keep my native machine clean. Went along with hashicorp’s Ubuntu 18.04 LTS box rather than an official release because the former was already in my machine which meant I did not have to do any additional downloads.

Installation and configuration of OpenProject was straightforward thanks to their excellent documentation here.

Here’s how my configuration looks like:

vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo cat /etc/openproject/installer.dat
openproject/edition default
postgres/autoinstall install
postgres/db_port 45432
postgres/db_name openproject
postgres/db_username openproject
postgres/db_password xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
server/autoinstall install
server/variant apache2

server/ssl no
repositories/api-key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
repositories/svn-install skip
repositories/git-install skip
smtp/autoinstall skip
memcached/autoinstall install
postgres/addon_version v1

Chose not to set up SSL because what I’m doing is not meant to go into production and is purely experimental.

Next, I verified that I could access OpenProjcet inside my Vagrant box by doing a wget

Next, I had to make it accessible via the browser on my host machine; uncommented the following line which was already there in the Vagrantfile (courtesy Hashicorp’s box): "private_network", ip: ""

Once I did that and reprovisioned my machine (via vagrant reload --provision), I was able to access the OpenProject homepage from my host machine by going to the IP mentioned above. To make it so that I could visit instead of the IP, I added the following entry in my /etc/hosts:

It worked.